How To Motivate Yourself To Train

If you are like me some mornings, waking up, I just cant bring myself to get up and train. But training your brain to want to do this is simpler than you might think.

Every now and then we come across some one that just has so much energy "that one friend". The one person who passes up happy up social time to head to the gym, the one person who wakes up at 4am works a full 8hr day and boom, straight to the gym again!!

If you are this person, you are an absolute machine!! but if you are not.. and you wish you were.. as i said you can train your body to crave a workout.

Why do i not have any motivation?
Consider these two scenarios

Scenario A

Your alarm goes off, you open your eyes, groggy and tired. You think about getting up and putting on your workouts clothes to hit the gym. You envision how cold it is, and how warm and your bed is.

Scenario B

Your alarm goes off, your immediate reaction may be to curl back up and hit snooze. But, you remember your goals, spring yourself out of bed, and get dressed in your workout clothes.
You lace up your shoes, and head to the gym. You can’t wait to crank up your workout playlist and feel the almost-immediate rush of endorphins. Before you’ve finished your workout, you’re already looking forward to the next day’s, so you can keep seeing results and getting stronger.

Here 3 Steps to boost your Fitness motivation:

1. Science of Habits:

We all know workouts are good for us. It’s been proven time and time again that exercise works to reduce anxiety and depression by balancing the ratio of neurotransmitters in our brains.
Workouts can become addictive in the best sense. At the end of the day, our habits are created (good ones and bad ones), because of how we link a certain behavior to pleasure or pain.
This is why we eat comfort foods, and avoid checking our emails. We’ve associated pleasure or pain with these behaviours.

2. Find something you enjoy:

The best workout sucks if it’s not one you’re going to enjoy.
While it may take some discipline, and you will absolutely have off days where you’d rather skip, your workout should be something that you at least mostly enjoy.
If you absolutely hate cardio and are trying to force yourself to be a runner, forget about it. Likewise, if weightlifting isn’t your jam but you love bootcamp, do that! Find something that you actually enjoy, even if it’s hard to get started, and you’re halfway there.

3. Schedule:

Our brains crave rhythm and routine, and we work best in all areas of our life when we have it.
Think about it this way: if you scheduled a meeting with your boss or a dentist appointment, you’d show up, wouldn’t you? Of course. Treat your workouts no differently!
First, pick a realistic time each day when you know you can get it done. Saying “I should really start doing that” and actually planning the times in your planner are two very different things. You can do it!!

Motivation Takeaway

Excited about your sweat session tomorrow? Implementing these 3 tips will help you to commit to your goals and become a healthier you for the long haul, far beyond just this month.
Here’s to training your brain to crave the gym, ditching your yo-yo relationship with fitness, and cultivating your new, long-term approach!
