10 mins - Lower Abs From Home

If you like me and you are not sure what to do when it comes to workouts. Why don’t you try this lower ab workout I am about to share. You can do it from home, no need to go to the gym.

Everybody, I don’t care who you are struggles with burning the dreaded lower tummy body fat.

Best part about the workout I am going to show you is.... it’s only 10 minutes!!!

Below is a perfect workout for you. Give it a bash and let us know your thoughts.

Remember to always start off with a good old stretch..

Let's go!

1. Jumping Jacks - 1 Minute 
2. Mountain Climbers - 30 Seconds 
3. Core Roll up - 30 seconds
4. Leg lifts - 30 seconds 
5. Scissor kicks - 30 seconds
6. Knee tucks - 30 seconds
7. Heel Taps - 30 seconds 
8. Flutter kicks - 30 seconds 
9 Cross climbers - 30 seconds 
10. Reverse crunches - 30 seconds
11. Rolling plank - 30 seconds
12. Heels to heaven - 30 seconds 
13. Core roll up - 30 seconds 
14. Mountain Climbers - 30 seconds.
15. Jumping jacks - 30 seconds

To help you with the exercise's check out the video below to make sure you are doing it right.
